How I Came to be a Writer


Hello Ma’am! I hope you’re doing well. I am re-reading your autobiography, and I noticed a typographical error on page 3. It’s this sentence:’My mother did not like the thought of my being an actress and told me I would probably faint under the bright lights.’ Anyway, I don’t really mind it that much, I just want to tell you how your book made me feel when I first read it when I was seventeen. It was like a warm hug or a warm cup of coffee; it was a cozy and wonderful read. And I can’t wait to feel that again by reading your book in the middle of my not that really serious college crisis. I wish you all the best, Ma’am!

Phyllis replied:

Thank  you for your  email.  I guess it’s the word “my” that’s seems incorrect to you, and perhaps it is.  Somehow both “my” and “me” sound OK to me.  As you can tell, I’m not all that great in grammar.  Best of luck to you at college.  I hope you’re taking some courses you love.

Posted on: April 14, 2022


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