How long did it take?


Our class just finished the Shiloh book and movie. In my opinion, I really enjoyed it. I have some questions,how long did it take to write,correct,and publish the book? Another question is do you plan on making more Shiloh books? Last questions is, did you enjoy writing the book?

Phyllis replied:

I don’t remember how long until it became a book.  I know that I wrote the first draft in about six weeks because I was so moved and upset about the mistreated dog we had seen in West Virginia (and I was so happy when our friends there said they finally adopted it).  From the time I submit a book to my editor, however, it usually takes about a year for it to be edited, revised, copied, bound and to finally appear in bookstores.  There are three more Shiloh books, making it a quartet.  You need to read them all to find out what finally happens between Marty and Judd.


Posted on: January 12, 2020


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