How to create a character


I teach fourth grade. used Shiloh as a mentor text in my Writing instruction and now have a group of fourth graders reading Shiloh as part of their Reading instruction. It is a wonderful book! What advice would you give fourth graders about creating characters and situations that feel authentic? Thank you!


Phyllis replied:

You need to imagine your self in the role of each of the characters.  What kind of a boy would Marty be, who would do so much to rescue a dog?  What might be going through Dara Lynn’s head when she’s such a pest to her brother?  And what makes Judd Travers so angry and rude?  What problems might he have that make him act the way he does?  Make sure that your heroes have not-so-nice traits too, and that your villains aren’t all bad.

Posted on: November 16, 2018


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