How to Remain Professional?

hi Ms. Naylor, before I ask my question I just wanted to say that I am 18 years old and have been reading the Alice series since I was in 7th grade, and I wouldn’t be the person I am now without your books. You are such an amazing writer and really have a way to sum up what everyone is feeling at one point or another in their lives. I love Alice 😀
But anyway, there’s this guy that I work with and I really like him, he’s very nice to me and makes an effort to talk to me a lot. But I don’t want people to know I like him, and want to remain professional on the job. Any tips on how I can be more subtle? And it doesn’t help that he’s 23 and I’m only 18 :S Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how I could keep this situation under wraps.
Phyllis replied:
The question is, do you want the guy himself not to know you like him?  Do you have a relationship yet outside of the place you work?  If so, you talk about it then, and agree to keep things professional on the job.  If he is warm and friendly to others besides you, and this is his basic personality, then I don’t see any problem.  If both of you simply feel a growing attraction to each other, you can smile warmly when he talks with you, but don’t go out of your way to seek him out, linger at the water fountain, or drive off together after work.  Stay warm and pleasant and let him know with your eyes that you are interested in him, but keep downright flirting for after hours.
Posted on: July 4, 2010


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