I again sincerely request you to correct this error.


To whom it may concern,

The recent inquiries that you would have received from several Korean students regarding the book, Shiloh, stems from me. As I’ve stated in my previous letter, I run book discussion sessions with many gifted Korean students. After covering Shiloh in my class, I recommended my students to visit the website to learn more about the book and its author, Mrs. Naylor.

I was oblivious of the error at the time. The error that I’ve mentioned, along with many of my great students, point to this specific website. I have high confidence that this error is not the fault of the publisher, as you’ve replied, but rather the website organizer.

As I’ve mentioned, the exact error is: the cover of the Korean edition of Shiloh is wrongly labelled as “Shiloh edition from Japan” on the website: . I again sincerely request you to correct this error.

Thank you, again, for your consideration, and I apologize for the inconvenience that this incident may have caused you.

Thank you.

Phyllis replied:

It has now been corrected.  Thanks for calling it to our attention.

Posted on: April 6, 2021


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