I Always Pre-order the Books

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your books. I remember the book report I did on “The Agony of Alice” in third grade (a poster board with a construction paper door that opened to show Alice in her underwear!) and now I’m 25 years old and still reading your books. I always pre-order the books on Amazon, and I’ll reread a few of the books in the series at least once a year. The books are so truthful and genuine and even though Alice isn’t perfect, she is thoughtful and honest and a good role model for any girl. Reading the books always reminds me of my childhood and even my childhood of reading the books and is comforting somehow. Someday when I’m a mother I will give the series to my daughter. I don’t know if writing ever gets tedious, but I just wanted to make sure that you know that your work is meaningful and important to so many people, and I wanted to make sure to thank you for doing it. 
Phyllis replied:
I so appreciated your letter.  It’s comments like these that have kept the series going all these years.  I loved hearing about that project you did for school about Alice in her underwear.  That must have been a lot of fun for you.  Thanks for being such a loyal reader.
Posted on: March 19, 2010


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