I Feel Threatened


 Hi! I have one of my best friends whose been one of my bffs since kindergarten. all the sudden she’s acting like she needs the mooost attention in the world, and she acts like she’s all that. last year, i told her i wanted to be an actress, and that i was doing all i could to achieve that goal, and hours later, she suddenly says” i want to be an actress to” and it was really annoying because i was the one who wanted to be an actress. i can’t help but feel threatened! Please help! and when i’m with her but were also with her GT friends(the higher level in a grade)

she doesn’t even pay attention to me…

Phyllis replied:


Pul-ease!  She wants to be an actress because you want to be an actress and you feel threatened?  You should feel flattered!   What difference does it make?  The girl who is going to become an actress is the one who puts in the huge amount of time and effort it takes to learn the craft, to audition for every possible show, to start her resume, to enroll in classes, not the girl who thinks she would like to be an actress because her friend wants to be one.  Concentrate on what’s real.

Posted on: December 12, 2009


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