I Get So Jealous



hi well im from texas an i was just wondering something…ok i went out with this guy for the first time last year and i broke up with my then boyfriend of one year for this guy and he broke up with me then we went out again last january an he broke up with me once again in march..he is now going out with this other girl and i get so jealous because i still like him… idk what to do…should i try to get over him..? sometimes i feel he still likes me he even messages me still…what do you think i should do..?

Phyllis replied:


I don’t know what you should do, but I know that I wouldn’t want to waste any more time on a guy who broke up with me twice.  But chances are, if he’s an on-again, off-again kind of guy, he’ll break up with this girl too and perhaps come back to you, and you can go through the cycle all over again.


Posted on: November 25, 2009


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