I love Shiloh


Hi my class just finished Shiloh we wanted to know if you can come to  our school.  We really want to meet you and to see the beagle that looks just like shiloh. I want a beagle and my dad said that I am getting one this summer and i am going to name him Shiloh!!!


Phyllis replied:


There are sure a lot of dogs out there named Shiloh, because I hear about them all the time, and once in a while I even get to meet one!  The real dog that inspired the Shiloh books died in 2000 and is buried in the little community of Shiloh, West Virginia, with a stone marker above the grave.  I hope your new dog turns out to be just as wonderful as Marty’s Shiloh.

Posted on: May 19, 2017


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