I Loved your Books as a Child


My daughter is turning eight next month and this past summer (June
15th-August 30th) she read 52 books.  Of those 52 books, 24 of them
were written by you.  I think that says something.  Every time we
would go to the library she would go searching to see if any new
“Phyllis” books were available.  (I thought it was cute that she took
to calling them Phyllis books… that is before she found the Alice
series… now they are “Alice” books)

I just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much I appreciate
amazing authors, such as yourself.  As a child, I loved your books and
I am so happy to see that my daughter is able to enjoy the old
favorites that I read as a child and new ones as well.

My daughter is hoping to meet you at the Gaithersburg Book Festival.
We had no idea you were local!  Thank you for making childhood so enjoyable for my daughter!

Phyllis replied:


It’s great to meet fans who have been reading my books for a long time.   I’m looking forward to meeting you both, and would love to hear which books you’ve enjoyed the most.

Posted on: February 28, 2010


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