I Never Had the Guts to Write This….



Hi, I’m pretty sure I’m your biggest fan. I’ve loved your books ever since 3rd grade(?). I’m not sure when I first started reading them, I do know I’ve read the Alice books throughout her life, and throughout mine. I’m now a junior in high school and ever since I found out you had a new book come out every year, and I finished every book you wrote about Alice, I rush to the bookstore to buy a copy around May, and check every week to find the new copy. I live in Maryland also, and in sixth grade my mom kept trying to get me out of school to get to meet you, at a possible book signing or something, but we couldn’t find any schedules, I guess you don’t do that. I’m now moving because of the awful economy, and my mom and I had to downsize to 1/3 of our stuff, meaning I could only keep a few of my books, and I’m a huge reader so this was a big disappointment. The only books I kept were the Alice books, every single copy. Thanks so much for writing these books, they helped me get through times, I’m a very klutzy person, laughing with Alice was a lot easier than watching people laugh at me for my klutziness. My favorite was definitely the one where Alice was a camp counselor. I used to read your site everyday to find out about upcoming books, or about you, to see how you wrote so well (I used to want to be a writer), and I loved how when one mom wrote how a book was inappropriate you simply told her you’re not going to change how you write, she doesn’t have to let her daughter read it. Anyway, sorry I ranted on so much about all this, I’ve just always wanted to write a letter to you or meet you in person, I respect you a lot for writing so well and hilarious. I’ve never really had the guts to write this–you’re a celebrity to me. It’d mean so much to me if you wrote back to this, or let me know you read it somehow, you definitely don’t have to. But keep writing Alice books forever. By the way, before I read Alice, before I could even read out loud, my mom would always read to me the “Boys” “Girls” books, I’m not sure if they have a specific name, the ones like “The Traitor Among the Boys”. Thanks again for reading this!


Phyllis replied:


Well, I’m glad you finally got up the nerve to write, because I’m just a person who loves to create stories, and I live a very ordinary life.  And I’m happy that you enjoyed the “boys/versus/girls” books…  We never actually titled that series, but people seem to know which books I’m talking about.  I’m sorry that you have to downsize and get rid of some of your books, but I’m so very flattered that you kept the Alice series.  I hear from college students who have taken their Alice books along with them, so I can understand you’d want to save them.  Every reader seems to have his/her own favorite.  To me, they all sort of run together in one big story.  Thank you for taking the time to write to me.  The next speaking and book-signing I do will be at the P0litics and Prose bookstore on Connecticut Avenue in D.C.  on Nov. 12.  But I will be talking about a new book titled “Faith,  Hope and Ivy June,” not the Alice books.

Posted on: September 27, 2009


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