I Passed My Driver’s Test!



I’m 18 years old, I am a huge fan of your books! They helped me a lot through middle school and high school. 

Today, I finally passed my drivers test and received my license. Funnily enough, I, like Alice, failed my road test twice because of parallel parking. After failing the second time I went on a driving hiatus and I waited more than a year to take it again. But then when I went to take it today, I knew I would pass, because if Alice could, so could I. Which I suppose sounds silly, but it gave me the confidence I needed. 
So I guess I just want to thank you for helping me. I can now head off to my freshman year of college happy!
Thank you once again for everything your books have given me. 
Phyllis replied:
Congratulations on passing your test!   Isn’t that a great feeling?  ( I STILL have trouble parallel parking and do almost anything to get out of it.)
Posted on: August 16, 2009


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