I Still Get Angry at Penny


I am 23 years old and married, and I have been reading the Alice books since i was 12 years old. I love them!!! I don’t plan on stopping until the end. And i am so happy that Patrick and Alice are back together. When I reed about Penny… I still get angry at her for what she did. i would like to see Lester finaly married. I no he was close once and that he has had a few serious ones.
I love your books. I have read a few others but the Alice series is my favorite. I even saw the Alice movie that case out. I have also read the 2 or 3 that u went back and wrote when Alice was younger and before she lived in silver spings.

Thanks for keeping my childhood alive and for getting me reading all these years.

Phyllis replied:


I just love hearing from adults who have grown up with Alice and still keep reading about her.  You must know Alice almost as well as I do by now!

Posted on: August 16, 2009


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