I’m very shy and parinoid


How can I easily overcome fears. By the way I love your books about the Malloy girls and the Hartford boys can you please please please make more books in this series 😭😭🤓🤓😅 Why don’t they make a movie as well it would be interesting.👨🏾‍🦱😭🧇🟡

Phyllis replied:

There are no quick answers as to overcoming fears or shyness.  People are just too different.  You would probably be surprised if you knew the fears of other people–people who seem happy and outgoing all the time  Next, recognize that there are fears about things you can do something about and fears of things that are beyond your control–work on the things you can do something about–like riding your bike in traffic.  Shyness is something you can do something about.  Much of it comes from worrying about what other people think about you.   Shy people often feel that other people remember every  odd little thing you do in public.  Let’s say you accidentally burp loudly.  Your face reddens and you wish you could disappear.  If instead of staring down at your lap, you make a funny face instead, so people will laugh with you, not at you.  It takes practice, but  everyone has the experience of being a dork, getting embarrassed, feeling left out.  They just learn to react differently when things happen.  I’ll pass your suggestion about turning the boys.versus.girls on to a producer.

Posted on: January 20, 2022


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