In Tears, the Next



I am almost 24 years old now and i still read and buy every Alice book that comes out.  I discovered the series sometime when I was in middle school-and so was Alice.  Never have i read books that can make me laugh out loud one chapter and have me in tears the next (which, by the way, Intensely Alice did).  The great thing about the Alice series is that everyone can find themselves in Alice. I have seen bits of myself in her as i have grown, and still do today!  While I was in middle school, high school, and even when I was in college and today as a college grad I turn to the Alice books for a good laugh and great perspective on life.  You write about things that other books made for teenagers don’t, and I love it! I am already eager to read the next book next summer, and am excited and nervous to see the series eventually come to a close. I want you to know how great it is that you write these books, because I truly think that Alice helps girls everywhere feel better about themselves.  Please never stop writing! You and Alice are an inspiration to girls everywhere!


Phyllis replied:


I love hearing from women who have been following the Alice series for most of their lives.  You really made my day.  Thanks so much for your letter.

Posted on: September 28, 2009


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