Inspired by Alice


Hi, I love Alice more than any book series out there! You did a wonderful job! I loved it so much I got inspired to write my own coming of age series about a young girl. I just want you to know that I would NEvER want to replace Alice because really I wouldn’t stand a chance. I work at the public library in my town and always recommend people to read the Alice series because I loved them so much and I also want you to know that I would never plagiarize your books, I tend to make my series completely different from Alice but still have good lessons and morals about growing up and life, of course. I came up with this idea because I love the Alice series so much and wished there were more books like them and really, nowadays girls need them with the way our generation is going. I will continue to recommend the Alice series to people and I want to say once more that you are a wonderful author and you should never stop what you do!

Phyllis replied:

Best wishes to you and for your series!

Posted on: April 12, 2021


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