It Seems to be Coming True

Phyllis replied:

Do you have any pets ? And whats your favourite animal ?
Also , its not really a question but ; Y’know in the book ‘ Alice in lace’ Alice’s class get set a project to help prepare them for what they may experience in the future ? Well , it all seems to be coming true ! Brian did get sent to court for drink driving , Pamela did get pregnant and Elizabeth may well have to buy a car . So does that mean that Alice and Patricks project will come true too ?
Phyllis replied:

Wow, you’re keeping track of things better than I am.  I hadn’t remembered  Brian or Pamela’s assigned “life issue.”  Right you are.  As for Alice and Patrick, my lips are sealed.  I don’t have any pets now, but we grew up with several dogs and lots of cats.  Favorite animal?  That would be too hard–I like them all.

Posted on: September 14, 2009


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