Just Wanted to Say Thank You



I just wanted to write a note of thanks. When I was eleven, I picked up my first Alice book from the library. My grandma was taking me to visit my aunt in Phoenix, and I was nervous for my first flight. But as I sat in the airplane preparing for takeoff, all of that anxiety dissipated as I found myself lost in Alice’s world.

From there, I was completely smitten with Alice! There was nothing more exciting than discovering an Alice book I hadn’t read before during my weekly library trips, and then I had the new Alice book releases to anticipate! To this day, my parents smile, “Jenna on her way!” whenever I accomplish a new goal, as a nod to the “Alice on Her Way” title.

I am 31 now and a writer myself. While my first women’s fiction manuscript never left submission purgatory, I do have another manuscript in the works and a children’s series that came out last August. The compliment I receive most often is how cozy my stories are. I realized recently that’s because of your writing and Alice’s world. From warm Christmas scenes to visiting Aunt Sally in Chicago, Alice’s universe was always one filled with so much love and comfort. Even when something awful or uncomfortable happened, Alice’s home base and her family unit made readers feel like it would all be okay.

Thank you for writing the Alice books and for being such a tremendous influence. I am so appreciative for your work, and I will always proudly display my Alice books above my writing desk.


Phyllis replied:

Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me.   And congratulations on your own published books!  It’s wonderful to hear from both young girls who are just beginning the series, and women in their thirties and beyond who read the books one by one as they came out each year.  Wishing you success in whatever you’re working on now.

Posted on: March 4, 2021


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