Last Book


I read your last book of the Alice series, and it made me cry- because Alice actually grows up- so quickly. Also, all her friends are different- I feel so sorry for them because now I realize that life is actually shorter than you think. Thanks for writing!!

Phyllis replied:

Well,  our own lives last longer than 517 pages.  But I wanted to answer the questions that fans most ask about Alice’s future, and that is the way I see it.    Her friends are all choosing things they want to do in life, the person they most want to be with, so it’s not surprising that they are individuals.  But remember what a preacher said in one of the many weddings?   “Remember that in every groom, there is a little boy; and in every bride, there is a little girl.”  Or something like that.  There is still a lot of real Pamela left in her, the same with Elizabeth and Gwen.   Life is short, that’s certain, but all of us have a chance to make it meaningful  in our own way.

Posted on: February 25, 2017


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