Laughing So Hard People Turned and Stared




Hi! I love your Alice books so much that my mom says I’m obseesed. I have read every book at least five times each and your last few books (Dangerously Alice, Alice on her Way, Intensly Alice) I have read more than seven times! When ever I’m bored I just pick up one of the Alice books and read. I never get tired of Alice, and when I read I feel so cose to her, like i actully know her. I think having —– die was brilliant. I loved that charicter so much, but it just made me feel so much closerto all the charcters. I have to say one of my favorite charicters is Lester. I was laughing so hard one time when i was reading you book in class, people turned and stared. He is just so funny. Thank you for writing. I want to be a famous author and your books inspire me every day. When I was youngr i read the Boy’s Start the War series. I loved those too! You are a genius. Thank you so much!


Phyllis replied:

I’m not a genius, I assure you, but I do love writing the Alice books.  Lester makes me laugh out loud too.  I’ll tell you one of my favorite lines of Lester’s, but I won’t tell you what book it’s in:  “With a glue gun.”   Have you read that one?

Posted on: September 24, 2009


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