Learned So Much About Growing-Up

I remember I wrote to you in middle school for an assignment in which we had to write a letter to our favorite author!  I was such a big fan of all of your books when I was little (I still am!).  I was delighted when I received a handwritten reply from you – it meant a lot to my 11 year old self!
I am now a Senior in college and about to enter the real world – oh, how things have changed!  I randomly stumbled onto your Alice website and it brought back so many memories of going to the library every week and reading your books over and over again.  I learned so much about growing up from the Alice series!  Throughout my teenage years, I definitely could relate to many of the situations that Alice found herself in… from being the only person who did not know how to swim (I also eventually overcame this fear!) to falling in love with a boy.  While I have not read the most recent books, I will definitely be checking them out for some summer reading!
I’m sad to hear that the Alice series will be ending in 2013 – I can only hope that future young ladies will appreciate your stories as much as I did and enjoy growing up with Alice as well!
Thank you for being such an inspiration! You have such a wonderful effect on your readers, even after many, many years have past!

Phyllis replied:


It’s terrific when former readers write  to say that they have found the Alice books again.  I’m delighted to know that they were helpful to you in growing up, and wish you the very best as you leave college for the “real world.”  College, of course, is real too, just a different set of problems and decisions.  Volunteer work is real.  The Peace Corps is real.  All decisions and vocations and professions are different facets of the real world, and I trust you’ll find your special place.  Thanks so much for writing.

Posted on: June 27, 2010


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