Leave Him Wanting More?


Hey so i was wondering if this guy liked me. hes friends with my sister and this whole past school year we havent talked at all. i met him 3 weeks before school ended. he does drums in the school band (and im always attracted to drummers for some reason. haha) and im doing colorguard (flag twirling and throwing). so the day all the older band kids were meeting the new ones i saw him and recognized him from him talking to my sister and i was like “hey im caitlins sister!” and he smiled and said hey. and was like “oh your doing colorguard” and i tolf him i was and he smiled and said cool. i didnt think much, because obviously he was just trying to be nice. the next couple days when id see him, he’d notice me and smile at me.

a few days after that, it was raining really bad, like hurricane weather, and i planned this whole thing out about running over to him and looking helpless asking for his phone. haha and it worked! we stayed after school in the band room alone (well the band directer was near, but not close). i was waiting for my mom and he was playing the drums. i was sitting and he was playing and i think he was showing off, but im not sure, because he would look over at me a lot and smile. finally i did my cute little clap thing and he said “omigosh im so bad” so i said “well i think you were really good” and started to walk away for my ride. he said “your leaving?” and i told him yeah. which i think was good, right? leaving early so he’d like the chase of getting me or something..?

then he and my sister were texting and without telling me (till after she texted it) she told him i was cute. and he replied “is it because im in the drumline?” what does that mean??? and when she mentioned us hanging out but with her “guarding me” (aka coming with us) he said “why would u need to come with us? im not a sex demon.” soo…does this mean he WAS interested in hanging out with me?

but i guess i can answer that myself, because a couple weeks ago on myspace (im on vacation 500 miles away from florida and hes vacationing in puerto rico…so we cant talk in person) i told him i wanted to see transformers 3. this was basically our convo online:

him – i saw transformers 3. it was AWESOME!!
me- i wanted to see that
him- then go see it
me- my dad would never take me
him- that sucks
me- i want to go when i get back home but everyone i know has seen it already and it probably wont be playing. plus no one would want to see it again anyway.
him- just ask
me- would you want to go with me?
him- sure when will u get back?

and thats when we decided it wouldnt be playing when i got back so we decided to see a different movie together. i think he likes me but im not sure!!!! does it sound like he does? and what are some tips to get him to like me. my friends told me about leaving him wanting more. but what else?

Phyllis replied:

Why does this sound so much like a play script, I wonder, or like you’re following a “Guide to Getting Your Guy?”   Your cute little clap thing and running up to him in the rain and leaving him wanting more, and….?  Where’s the real you in all this?  Yes, I think he likes you, but can’t you just be yourself?  You can’t “make” someone fall for you, and if you do, and it’s all play-acting, how long can you keep it up?  You’re going to a movie when he comes back, and he’s willing to see it again, so just enjoy it.  Talk.  Don’t worry about tips and what does everything mean.  And please don’t try to pin him down as to how he feels about you.

Posted on: July 20, 2009


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