letter from Austria


I started reading the Alice books ten years ago at age eight and I absolutely love them to this very day. Back then, growing up in Austria, Europe, I didn’t have any idea about the geography of the US but when I got to the US for the first time this year in June, we drove from NYC to DC and we went past Silver Spring! And I got all excited because due to your Alice books I’ve known about it ever since I was eight, however, I’d never considered that it was an actual place. But it felt so familiar right away and so do your books every time I open them! I owe you so much as your Alice books have given me so much joy, happiness and warmth over the past ten years. Now to my question: Which Alice novel was your favourite to write? Because us readers usually have a personal favourie so I reckon maybe you as the author have one too?
Love from Austria!


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you found the Alice books, and hope you were able to locate all 28 of them.  I guess I really don’t remember things in terms of the book titles–rather, I think of scenes I especially enjoyed writing, or that wrenched me emotionally.  All the conversations between  Alice and Lester were fun to write, and Alice’s questions at the dinner table about life and love amused me too.  Other scenes I remember crying over–Mark’s death, in particular.  The argument with Sylvia was worrisome to write about…..  I could go on forever.  I love hearing from Alice fans in other countries.  Thanks for writing to me.

Posted on: December 18, 2018


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