Letter from student


I’m an elementary school teacher. I taught 4th grade ELA last year and during literature circles, I had a group reading Shiloh and they absolutely loved it! One of my students wrote you a letter that I thought you might want to see.

Dear Phyllis Reynolds Naylor,  I really like your book Shiloh. I think you’re a great author. I see the gold circle on the book I hear that means the publishers really liked it. I wondered if you can send Shiloh and some other books that you wrote and movies based on the books you wrote that will mean so much to me. I live at Wikersham Lane Country Club Creek. Thank you

Phyllis replied:

It would be nice if books were free and writers didn’t have to get paid.  But writing is my job, just the way plumbers or airline pilots or carpenters get paid for the work they do.  Almost all of my books are available on Amazon, however, and you can find many of them in your school or local library.

Posted on: May 22, 2018


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