

Dear Ms. Reynolds Naylor,
We liked reading your book, Shiloh. I liked your book because the plot created a spark in my mind that made me want to read more. It did take some figuring out when it came to words like ”gunnysacks”
Wait, don’t stop!!! We still have some questions for you to answer.
•Where did you get the idea of writing Shiloh?
•Who inspired you to be a writer?

Phyllis replied:

I think my parents get the credit for reading aloud to us every night, almost until we started high school.  It was just a family thing, and they read so dramatically.   I got the idea for writing about a dog named Shiloh, because that’s where I found the real live dog who inspired me, in Shiloh, West  Virginia.


Posted on: February 23, 2017


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