Lived Life with Alice


I cannot imagine that you will get a chance to read this since you must get a ton of fan mail but I would like to express my gratitude towards you for all you have done for me throughout the majority of my life. I discovered Alice when I was 10 and now as a senior in high school I am able to say that she has changed my life. I followed Alice through hardships and I literally lived them with her as I experienced by embarrassing moments with her by my side. Rather than a character, I consider Alice to be my best friend. I would like to thank you for allowing not only myself, but countless others to grow up and laugh and cry alongside Alice. She was there to comfort me and to applaud my success. The opportunity you embraced to not only teach but inspire others is something that I will forever be indebted to you for. As I conclude this in tears I would like to finish by saying that your legacy will far surpass you and these books will live on forever through the hearts and minds of all your readers and the generations to come. Thank you and I hope you have a Merry Christmas. We will never be able to say goodbye to Alice simply a see you later because with ever read there is always more to learn.

Phyllis replied:

I love hearing from readers who started with Alice when they were young like her. Who feel they grew up with her, and went through all of her embarrassments together.  Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me.

Posted on: January 5, 2015


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