Love for Alice

hi! I just have to say how much I love the Alice series. I received “Alice in blunderland” as a gift in third grade and then I read the series until the books started becoming more mature. I then resumed reading them in fifth grade and finished then so quickly. I can’t possibly put into words how much I love your books. I sometimes still pick them up and read my favorite parts! I’m in eighth grade now and I’m going into high school next year and I think I might read them again to prepare. I learned so much about friends, boys, live, relationships and everything in your books. Alice is such a role model and one of my favorite book characters ever. I can’t think about that scene in the last book when her dad dies and she leaves the parking lot crying. Even though I read that scene almost three years ago I still remember it. And thank hinking about it still hurts my heart. just wanted to say thank you for writing such an amazing series. They are something that I will cherish forever.

Phyllis replied:

I knew in advance some of the major things that would happen of course, and I found myself pretty melancholy when I had to write about it–Mark’s death, in particular.  But Alice lived through them , found meaning and strength in facing them and managed to be happy again.. I hope you were able to get the whole series–Alice from 8 to 60.  Thanks for letting me know how much they meant to you.

Posted on: March 24, 2019


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