Love from Singapore. Thank you for the Alice series!


I still remember reading The Agony of Alice in my middle school years. It was one of the books I could remember reading because it was so engaging and relatable.

I am 25 now and the Alice series suddenly came to my mind recently and I finished all the books in a span of 1 month! It was such an incredible journey to see how Alice has grown as a person (eventhough she isn’t real). I’m definitely not embarrassed to read the Alice series at my age haha.

I cried so much reading Now I’ll Tell You Everything. Reading her happy endings and remembering all the flashbacks of what she went through from a teenager to a grown woman makes me feel a sense of bittersweet-ness. I don’t want it to end but at the same time the story of Alice wrapped up so beautifully.

I’m so glad she ended up with Patrick because of their history. They had so much obstacles between them from Penny to being miles away from each other. And to see them reunite at the airport and rekindle their relationship from then on was such a beautiful moment! Best part of the series for me.

I am going to buy the whole collection of your book and keep it in my bookshelf to reread them again. It will be my first collection of book in my whole 25 years of life and I’m honored to have the Alice series as my first. You made me feel the joy of reading with your writing and thank for making that change in my life, no matter how small the impact is.

Phyllis replied:

It’s wonderful to get emails from the other side of the world.  Thanks so much for taking the time to write to me.  I’m truly glad the books meant that much to you.  It was always exciting for me when the time rolled around to write another book in the series.


Posted on: January 16, 2019


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