Love the Characters and Situations


I am a young writer and I found the Alice series just 2 weeks ago and I an now hooked! I love the characters and the situations they go through. I am only 13 but I can relate to alot that goes on in your books. As I read the Alice books, I laugh when they laugh and I feel their heartache and pain when something terrible happens. Alice is amazing and I think every girl in her teens should read this series! I love how Alice tries to break free and be her true self!! After I finish an Alice book I feel like I am in a happy bubble and I want more Alice. Thank you so much for the inspiration in your books! I love this series because of the truth in it!

Phyllis replied:

Thanks so much for letting me know how much you like the books.  It’s always fun to hear from a new reader.


Posted on: December 12, 2009


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