Love to help others find good books


I just read on the site that your husband died after 52 years of marriage. I was stricken and sorry to hear this, for you have mentioned him, as well as many members of your extended family, numerous times. You are a true hero to young women everywhere for continuing to read emails and update ‘Alice’s” webpage even during this time of grief. Like many of your readers who send you messages, I discovered Alice in the 5th grade. I am now 28 years old and still wait for each new book. In fact, the last time I wrote you was10 years ago, when I was a freshman in college and had recently re-discovered the Alice series. Due in part to the Alice books and to my love of reading (my boyfriend and I don’t even own a TV!) it’s been my goal since my early 20s to become a children’s and young adult librarian. Because of some personal health setbacks over the last ten years, I haven’t yet finished college but did gain work experience in various public library settings. I’m now 6 classes away from earning my Associate’s Degree, which will enable me to pursue a job as a paraprofessional in a school library. Sharing my love of books and reading, and introducing young people to different authors is my ultimate goal. Thank you so much for the “Alice” series…I often shared the series with pre-teen and teenagers visiting the library, looking for something without vampires. 🙂
There is nothing wrong with the fantasy genre, but I enjoy exposing girls to all kinds of literature.
Again, I am so sorry to hear of Rex’s passing and I am glad he has been such a support to you and your writing career over the years. Please feel no obligation to write back, I simply wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your family.
Phyllis replied:
I have often thought that, next to writing, the next most wonderful job must be a librarian, and being able to connect someone with a book that he or she will really enjoy.  It’s such a delight to hear from readers that they never liked reading before, and then someone introduced them to an Alice book–usually a librarian or a friend–and a good librarian IS a friend!  I wish you the very best in your career, and thank you so much for writing to me.
Posted on: June 17, 2012


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