Loved Jade Green!

I just read Jade Green, and I absolutely loved it! At first it kinda scared me, but then I really got into it! The whole time I kinda suspected theĀ ——- but at the same time I didn’t. When she first saw theĀ —– I totally freaked. Butn then instea of freaking me out, I started feeling sorry for it. Oh and I love Zeke by the way. I know I’m supposed to write about Alice but I just really wanted to share my excitement. Maybe I like Jade Green even more then the Alice books…………I loved the ending. There’s so much more I could say, but my mom’s yelling at me and I will end up saying to much. You should write more books like that! I hope you do.
Phyllis replied:
It was a scary book to write, but I loved doing it!
Posted on: February 24, 2010


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