Marty’s home in West Virginia


I am now 36 and remember reading the 1st two Shiloh books. Ive seen the movie. My question is I know that Marty is a fictional character but if Marty’s house were real, whereabouts in Tyler County in the county would it be??

Phyllis replied:

Since Shiloh was based on a real dog that I found in the little community of Shiloh, West Virginia, the best directions I can give you is to start at the little post office for Friendly, W. Va.  It’s between Sistersville and St. Mary’s, on the road that runs along the Ohio River. Ask the post master for directions.  It has been some time since I’ve been there, but my memory is that from this location, you will start up a road that gradually leads up and up, and I believe you make a right turn at some point.  Following this next road, you will eventually pass a little sign that says simply, SHILOH, and when  you finally get to an old iron bridge that crosses Middle Island Creek, this is the location I had in mind when I wrote the Shiloh books.  At this time there was a very small house to the right, just before you crossed the bridge, and I imagined this as Marty’s house.  I suppose it’s gone by now.  I hope not.

Posted on: October 17, 2018


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