Mom Chose Well

I just wanted to tell you how much I love the Alice series. I was 12 when my mom handed me Outragously Alice at the library and said “You’re going to read this.” I didn’t want to at first since it was my mom who picked it out for me. But I am grateful I did. I read it all in one day and then re-read it over as soon as I finished. It’s been a long time since I was 12 and since then I’ve read the whole series through 16 times. (Working on my 17th before the last book comes out.)

Now I’m married and have a toddler and I finally own some the books and I plan on keeping them around (and getting teh rest of the series)  till  my daughter is old enough. I want her to experience the wonderful realness of them.

Thank you so much for writing such a great series. Thank you for keeping it real and thank you for touching lives with them.

Phyllis replied:
Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what attracted your mom to that book, and why she thought it would appeal to you at that particular time?  (Have you dared asked her?)  Thanks so much for writing to me.  I think you are especially going to enjoy the final book coming out in October.

Posted on: September 3, 2013


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