More about Alice…


Hi! I know the Silver Spring/Takoma Park area pretty well, and I was just wondering if there is a specific area/neighborhood that Alice had lived in. Also, is there a particular school that she went to?
PS I am a HUGE Alice fan!

Phyllis replied:

No, I try to be careful not to be that specific.  Otherwise it hampers the writing.  I have to make up my own neighborhood.  If it’s too true to life, then people who know the area will start writing to me saying, “There isn’t a school on that street” and “that shop burned down two years ago.”  But I’m so glad I chose an area that is meaningful to you.  I lived in Silver Spring for awhile, near the Takoma Park border, so it just seemed  a good place for her to live.  (The Melody Inn was based on the music store, Dale’s Music, that used to be in the heart of Silver Spring). I hope you are able to read all 28 books in the series.

Posted on: May 13, 2020


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