More Alice Books?

                I’m not really sure how to address who has to be one of the most charismatic authors ever. Your Alice books contain some of the funniest events ever and it would probably amuse you that I’ve actually doggy-eared the pages that I want to share with my friends. But mostly, I wanted to tell you this. The first time I read one of the books was in Borders. I used to spend my weekends sitting on the floor between book shelves reading as many as I could at age 10. The smell and crinkle of the pages just can’t compare to a Kindle. For a fast reader book money piles up, and I only spent money on the ones I could read over and over again without being bored. Those included your books. I remember the first time I read an Alice book, how my mom found me laughing while holding one with a pile more beside me. I grew up with your books. I’m 14 now and Alice has grown up with me. There is something in each and every one of those books that relates to how kids really feel, especially when you’re neither a girl nor a woman. So please, tell me there will be more Alice books after Intensely Alice.
Phyllis replied:     
I’m so pleased that you enjoy the Alice books and that they’ve meant so much to you.  The very last books in the Alice series, beginning with Intensely Alice, are these:  Intensely Alice, Alice in Charge, Incredibly Alice (coming May 10), Alice On Board, and finally, Always Alice, in 2013.  
Posted on: March 16, 2011


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