More Alice Movies?


I absolutley love your books and how you put such passion into the Alice books! You make life seem so simple especially looking at Alice’s view on things. She has it pretty hard sometimes. I had a question though, Do you think you’d make more movies of Alice? The first time I saw the Movie Alice, I didnt like it at all, because it seemed the characters of Alice, and Lester were from Disney channel, and Alice was grown to have strawberry blonde hair and The Alice character in the book didn’t match up to her. How come? And would you ever do a movie series of Alice? You’re a great author! I love your work!

Phyllis replied:

I didn’t make the first one.  “Alice Upside Down” was done by some movie producers who based it loosely on “The Agony of Alice.”  They had their own version of what the movie should be, and it’s good to remember that you need to view a movie and a book as two separate things, and judge a movie on how well it comes off as a film, not on how much it resembles the book.  There was a lot that was different in the movie, but there was a lot to like, too.  My job isn’t to make movies; it’s to write books.

Posted on: December 3, 2009


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