You are an amazing author to me! I didn’t like reading a lot, but my 4th grade teacher introduced me to your books and I loved it! she introduced me to your book Reluctantly Alice, I loved that book now I go to the library with my parents and ask if they have any Philis Reynolds Naylor books and they show me where they are and I pick a lot of your books. And the lady asked u like reading a lot dot u? and I smiled and said yes. You are like.. my favorite author in the whole wide world! Your books are the best whenever I am bored or lonely I take them and read them! now I have a read almost 7 of your books and I love them all, I am really happy that my teacher introduced me to your books and I am hoping I could find a lot others of your books ad read them this September when I am in 5th grade.

Phyllis replied:
It always makes me happy to know that one of my books introduced someone to the joy of reading.

If you like the Alice books, remember that there are 28 of them, and if you look at the list at the front of each book, you’ll see the order in which they were written.  There are lots of good writers out there, so I expect you will find books by many other authors you like too.  Happy summer!

Posted on: July 22, 2013


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