My favorite author


I just wanted to let you know you’re my favorite author! I love the Alice books. I feel like Alice is a real person. I’m 25 and I prefer an Alice book over anything else. How did you get the inspiration for Elizabeth and Pamela? Did you know people like them. I also like the relationship Alice has with Lester. The Alice series is one I didn’t want to end. Please write back. 🙂


Phyllis replied:

Thank you so much for your email.  I think I get more fan mail from women in their twenties, who have been reading the Alice books for years, than any other group.  It’s wonderful to have such a dedicated audience.  I didn’t know any girls exactly like Elizabeth and Pamela–they are mostly from my imagination, with bits and pieces of girls I grew up with.  My favorite scenes to write were those episodes between Alice and Lester.  They made me laugh out loud.


Posted on: July 20, 2017


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