My Favorite Book Series



I’m presently 19 years old, I just would like to say that I adore your Shiloh series I have read it through at least 5 times since my third or fourth grade. I even convinced a high school teacher to accept it for an “independent study” unit, they said it was unfit for my reading abilities, until I compared the lexile scores to what other works they assigned during the year such as Shakespeare’s Othello and Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451.

You write a believable character in Marty as well as Judd, and history can prove that there are few bonds as strong as that between a boy and his dog.

I wish to conclude by thanking you for being a part in making my childhood.


Phyllis replied:

Wow!  I love being ranked right up there with Othello!  I’m forwarding your email to the two producers of the Shiloh movies.  They’ll enjoy it too.  Thanks so much for writing to me.

Posted on: January 30, 2020


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