My hero!


Phyllis, do you ever do any speaking engagements or book signings? You are my favorite author and seeing you in person is in my bucket list! I am 34 years old an an avid reader. Guess how it began? By reading the Alice Series and learning how amazing books can be! I haven’t stopped reading since then! Now, I read my son these books and we laugh so hard together. We love your books.
Nikki Horobec

Phyllis replied:

I do very little traveling and speaking now, because there are still so many books to write. I don’t  know how old your son is, but if he’s twelve and under, he would probably like my Shiloh series, the four cat/pack books, and especially the 12 books of the Boys versus Girls book.  Check out the books on this site…..

Posted on: May 16, 2021


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