My Own Insecurities


Because of the love that Patrick, Alice’s lifelong friends, and Alice’s family have for her, I am able to stop lingering insecurities of “how could anyone ever love someone so pragmatic; so prone to obsessing over little things; so fond of and attached to home, family and the familiar?  Because I recognize that someone like Alice would be deserving of love, acceptance, and belonging, I believe that I am worthy of love, acceptance and belonging.  Thank you.

Phyllis replied:

A wise woman once said to me, when she is counseling young women wondering if they are beautiful enough, smart enough, interesting enough to attract a guy, “look around you!”  Observe other couples, especially married couples, and you will see–yes, some beautiful women with handsome men.   But you will also see perfectly plain women with a great looking guy; fantastic women with unremarkable men.  You’ll see a man who is wonderful and talkative at parties with a quiet woman who enjoys staying in the background, or a gorgeous woman married to a perfectly dull guy.  Most often love comes down to what person makes you feel comfortable being yourself; what person makes you feel wanted and cherished, just as you are, and men need this just as much as women.


Posted on: November 3, 2016


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