My Whole Alice Collection


I remember emailing you a bunch when I was in 6th grade and first got the internet, and if you can believe it, I have just graduated college! I started becoming a “friend of Alice” when I was in 4th grade. I am and always have been an avid reader (although I now have a BFA in ACTING….we’ll see how far that gets me, ha ha), and the Alice books have always been my favorites growing up. In fact, I wanted to email you because I have just moved home temporarily after four years of being away, and my mom has kept my old bedroom pretty much preserved. I walked over to my bookshelf and there was my whole Alice collection and I felt such comfort and nostalgia by seeing them there. Not to sound cliche, but growing up I felt like Alice was definitely a friend, an escape, a confidant, and a source of guidance. If I ever have a daughter I will be sure to pass my collection along…until then, though, I will keep them very close to my heart (and eyes…I do still read them, too, and keep up with the newer ones). Best wishes, and thank you.

Phyllis replied:


I absolutely love hearing from readers in college and beyond who still come back to the Alice series.  There are so many new Alice books out since you left home, and it must be interesting to you to see how you’ve both changed!  Thanks so much for writing to me.  And best of luck in your career.  You will especially love the Alice book coming out in 2011, Incredibly Alice.

Posted on: May 26, 2010


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