Need Advice

i have writen to you b4 and u have giving me some really good advice soo im hoping that u might be able to this time too.  There is this guy that i have too school with up until last year we never really talked, just like hi in the hall ways cuz he hung out with one of my friends alot. we will call my friend jill cuz she reminds me of jill and the guy patrick cuz. Well in august me and patrick talked like really talked for the first time about really random stuff and we found out that we had alot in common. fter we had been talking for about a week or soo he told me that he had something to tell me and since jill wuz my best friend that he thought that it wuz ok to tell me he said that in july jill had told him that she really liked him thinking that she would ask her out instead patrick told jill that he did not like her like that they still talked alot but he didnt relize till 2 months later that he really like her a lot and it wuz hard for him to go a day with out talkin to her he told her that he liked her and she got really mad at him and yelled at him for not liking her when she liked him they. it has now been 4 1/2 months since he told me that story and they havent talked since that day as far as  know my friend ship with him has really grown in this time and he has helped me get over a boyfriend loss that i could not get over and he got over jill well in the last week he has been really down and sad and i knew that something wuz wrong but i also know that he wouldnt want me 2 ask and that he would tell me if he needed help with wat was wrong well 2day i found out that jill is back cuz she wrong i love patrick in huge letters on facebook me and jill arent friends anymore not b/c of this but b/c i felt like i wuz always in her shadow and i feel like she is going to take 1 more thing from me patrick in the 4 1/2 months i have grown to like this guy more than i have ever liked any1 and it would kill me for her to take him away from me
Phyllis replied:
No, it won’t kill you.  It will hurt like anything if it turns out that this guy likes her more than he likes you, but it won’t kill you.  Also, if that happens, it’s not that she “took” anything from you.  If a boy really likes you the best, then he doesn’t let himself be taken.  And since it seems he was never completely your boyfriend in the first place, isn’t she free to like whomever she wants to?  This does hurt, I know.  I remember a guy I liked in high school who liked someone else better, and though he was friendly with me, I could tell he didn’t see it as a romantic thing.  I got over it.  Really.  So will you.
Posted on: December 2, 2009


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