New Alice Book?

i love your books. like, more than anything. a couple years ago, after reading “Almost Alice” i was desperate for the new book. Recently (meaning 2 days ago), i found “Intensely Alice” at the library and literally just finished reading it about 5 minutes ago. and once again, i have that desperate feeling for a new one. sadly, i know i will have to wait until may, but could you give me the title of the new book, and the day its coming out, if you know it? Thank you so much, you are an amazing author and i will be reading Alice stories till the day they stop (which i hope is never!! :P)

Phyllis replied:


You missed the book that came out next–“Alice in Charge”–which was published last June.  Look for “Incredibly Alice” this coming June.

Posted on: January 24, 2011


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