Not Sure I’m Meant to be a Writer


     I was wondering, when exactly did you know you wanted to be a writer? And how did you know you wanted to write books, not short stories or poems but actual books? I want to be a writer but I’ve been struggling. For example, last year i came up with an idea and now that idea is soo different. I’m not sure I’m mean to be a writer. Thanks for you help. Happy Holidays!

Phyllis replied:

I don’t think I ever thought of myself as becoming a “writer” when I was young.  I just liked to write.  I didn’t know I could make a living at it.  I started out by writing short stories for various publications, and it was fifteen years before I took a chance on writing a book.  But once I had several books published, I realized I loved being able to tell a story in more depth than the short story allowed, and eventually I gave up short stories altogether and focused entirely on books.   The big question you need to ask yourself is what you most enjoy writing.  You don’t have to decide anything now, just do what you like the best, and what seems to come more naturally for you.  Many writers write both books and short stories.  And it’s perfectly OK for an idea to change.  Give your imagination some slack.


Posted on: November 30, 2010


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