Hey!  Sorry I haven’t kept up with email this past week, but we had a grand anniversary celebration here with both sons and their families, and I wanted every minute I could get with them.  I know you’ll understand.  We swam, talked, played shuffleboard, talked, ate ice cream, talked, went biking, hiking, played games, told stories, read books, met friends, visited a restaurant, opened presents, and had a marvelous time. 

One of our sons made a funny DVD about our marriage, doing the narration himself.  The other created three CDs of favorite love songs for us to enjoy.  I loved discussing school and college and summer plans with Sophia and Tressa, and taking young Garrett and Beckett down into the “deep, dark dungeon” of our apartment building’s storage area, where we turned out the lights and played hide and seek.  Because we all live in different parts of the country, it’s a special treat when all ten of us can be together.  Give me another day or two to recuperate and I promise to get to your email questions soon.  In the meantime, I hope that school is out for most of you, and that your summer plans are happy ones.

Posted on: June 4, 2010


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