Notes from Phyllis

Hello, readers:

I’m trying to understand this new format for the Alice website, so hope this message gets to the right place.  I’m now able to post your emails to me almost as soon as you send them (providing I’m on the computer just then), so hopefully my answers will get posted on the fan mail page within a day or two.  I’m heading to New York tomorrow, but will be taking a draft of Alice in Charge along on the train.  I seem to be able to work in a public place as long as no one interrupts me. 

My two granddaughters in Minneapolis are getting ready for graduation, one from high school, one from middle school;  Sophia is looking forward to college, Tressa is looking forward to high school.  In my New Jersey family, Garrett will entering first grade next year, Beckett will be having his third birthday.   So there will be a lot of changes in both families, and change is the one thing in life we can be sure of. 

I’d love to hear what YOU are looking forward to the most this summer!

Posted on: May 18, 2009


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