Patricia Marie


Hi there! I just wanted to say that I LOVED when Alice and Patrick reunited and Patrick FINALLY asked Alice to marry him, my first question is did you always know that Alice and Patrick would get married and grow old together after being childhood sweethearts? But my main question is Did you ever think of writing a book from the point of view of Patricia and kind of showing their lives after that? I loved how you ended the Alice series, I cry of nostalgia, joy because it’s a happy ending and sadness because it feels like I’m saying goodbye to a very special friend. I was an only child and kind of shy so everyday i’d go to the library and Alice felt like a real friend. Btw I’m 7 months pregnant and I’m naming my twin daughters Alice and Phyllis! 🙂

Phyllis replied:

Wow! You really are a fan!  No, I’m not going to write about Patricia….I want to leave the Alice series just the way they are.  I get so many requests to do a series on Pamela or Elizabeth or Gwen .  I don’t  think readers realize that it took me 28 years to write the 28 books of the Alice series   Of course I was writing other books too, but it takes a lot out of me to do that much, and I’m very happy that readers seem to like reading about Alice and her life.  Good luck to you and your twins!

Posted on: February 20, 2021


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