Performing in Public


Okay,I wanted to be a performer,like an actress or a musician?I just wanted to perform in musicals,dances,concerts and stuff in my place and in public but how do I get the oppurtunity to do that?And how do I find a club or a performing arts centre out there??Please help me

Phyllis replied:


First you have to have a talent.  You have to be really good at something.  What are your talents?   Dancing?  Singing?  Acting?   Most performers get to where they are by being really dedicated to their art, whatever it is.  They sing or dance or play a musical instrument because they enjoy it, and would do it whether they ever got a chance to perform or not.  If your first ambition is to be a performer of anything, rather than do the work involved in developing your talent, you have less chance of success than if you start out falling in love with singing, dancing, or whatever it is you have in mind.  That should be your first goal.  Finding a place to perform is waaaaaaay down the line.

Posted on: January 9, 2010


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