Please Don’t Be True

Hi, Mrs. Naylor.  im 15 and im going to be a sophmore this coming school year, and i just finished “Please Dont Be True” today and ordered “Alice in Charge” earlier. I allready have “Incredibly Alice” because i couldnt not buy it when i went to Barnes & Nobel the other day and its very tempting not to read it because i want to wait till i read “Alice in Charge” first. But i’ve only read the Alice Collections i haven’t read any of the others because i was just introduced to Alice about a month ago and i just saw those and i was like ohh ill read this. At first i went just looking for a book, and i saw these reallllly big books and so i picked it up and read the back to see what it was about and at first i didnt think it be all that good. But once i really got into the book, i couldnt help but turn page after page. I once read for 4 or 5 hours straight because i just didnt want to stop. Everytime i get bored i read Alice, or in the car even on vacation i read like on the beach and stuff. And my mom comes in and says “are you just gonna stay in here and read all day?” and im like “yep” haha. But what im saying is that (i know you probably get this alot) but i FREAKING L.O.V.E Alice. Like i just feel i can conect with her, not just because shes a teenager and going through highschool and stuff, but because i’ve gone through some of the same things she has. And i feel as tough i can really connect with her and no what another might have delt with that situation or what they would have done. And me and Alice have things in common also. Its just special, and these books are somthing that i would share with every girl i possibly could. I even treid getting my friends involved in it but “their too busy” they say. But i definatly will tell A LOT of people about. So pretty much this is my way of saying thankyou for writing these, you would probably my favorite author and ive never had one before. So thankyou


Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad you like the Alice collections–the “big” paperbacks, each containing the three books of each of her high school years.  (There is one still coming of her senior year, but we don’t have a title yet). 

Posted on: June 17, 2011


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